
Cabin Crew College

Working as cabin crew or a flight attendant for a major airline is a challenging and exciting experience. Jetting off to exotic and wonderful destinations is just one of the many benfitis of becoming cabin crew. Being cabin crew is no holiday, the job requires a high degree of specialization and responsibility. Flight attendants must ensure the safety and comfort of passengers in line with industry regulations and airline service standards.

Cabin Crew College’s courses are ideal for young professionals seeking a career change or for those individuals looking to get a head start in the profession. Cabin Crew College courses introduce you to the skills and responsibilities expected by the world’s best airlines. In addition Cabin Crew College courses place special emphasis on customer service and procedures for handling those difficult and unusual situations during flight.

Cabin Crew Onboard Safety Briefing

Cabin Crew Onboard Safety Briefing

Do you dream of becoming a flight attendant?

From a Dream to Reality

A career in becoming a ‘Flight Attendant’. It is a profession that both men and women dream of becoming. You have visited an airport or taken a plane flight and admired the well groomed, sophisticated, professional men and women servicing the traveller. Wearing a crisp tailored uniform representing an airline of which they love. Who are these well organised people? What is their career really like? Have you asked yourself, these questions.  Could I become one of them?


Cabin Crew Group Airport

Cabin Crew Group Airport

Todays Cabin Crew

Today ‘Flight Attendants’ are both male and female. They come from diverse racial, social, religious and economic backgrounds. Many speak a number of different languages. They may be young  or older adults. Their education can vary from a high school diploma  to a university degree.

They seem to be able to handle any problem from a distressed passenger, oversized carry- on bag to a wrongly ordered meal. At all times dedicated to servicing the needs of their passengers.

The Priorities of the Flight Attendant

The two priorities that an airline ask of their ‘Flight Attendants’ are to ensure the safety of passengers and servicing of the passenger’s needs. They must follow strict regulations towards safety. Always putting the safety first, before the needs of the passenger.

Flight attendants must be diligent with regulations and the rules of the Airline. They must keep up to date with their knowledge with refresher courses. Rules and regulations can change continually in the airline industry. With new and larger size planes flying the skies, carrying many more passengers, safety is number one for the airline.

Cabin Crew Air Busan

Cabin Crew Air Busan

Flight Attendant Requirements

A Fight attendant must be able to swim a certain amount of meters in case of an emergency. Each airline has its own requirement on how far one must be able to swim. Do not fear, one does not have to be an olympic swimmer and swim lap after lap of a swimming pool.

A First aid certificate is a requirement that  Flight attendants  must have.  In the late 1930’s many Flight attendants had a nursing degree but with the 2nd world war many nurses were needed for the wounded.  A shortage of Flight attendants developed.  To cover the shortage, women and men without a nursing degree were employed.  A First aid certificate gives the Flight attendant the knowledge to assist a sick passenger. Heart attacks, birth of a baby have been known to happen on a plane.

The Challenges and Excitement

Spending many hours flying within a pressurized airplane cabin, sometimes with minimum sleep to recuperate, the personal health of a Flight attendant is imperative.  Good heating habits are essential to keep the body healthy. One must try at all times to keep to a body weight which most airlines will stipulate of their flight attendants.  Keeping fit with exercise is an essential part of keeping healthy.   Many miles will be walked by a Flight attendant  down the length of the plane on each individual flight.  Beginning one’s flight  in one country and ending in another country can be extremely disrupted to one’s body clock.


A second language is a definate advantage when applying to become a Flight attendant. With so many different routes with- in different countries that one would be flying, to be able to translate a different countries language would make a flight Attendants life so much easier.  To be fluent in the English language would be a great advantage as most travellers can speak a little English.

Cabin Crew Uniforms

Cabin Crew

The Humaness of a Flight Attendant

The human qualities of a person is very paramount when Airlines are selecting their Flight attendants.  To show patience, tolerance, good judgement, quick to react in a crisis and to be a team member are just a few of the qualities.   Being proud of the uniform which one is given to represent the airline.  When wearing the airline uniform  you are displaying the quality of the Airline.  Each airline will require each Flight attendant to follow  a strict dress and bearing regime. From the way one wears their hair to correct footwear.  How one walks, listens and talks.  A soft smile,  a genuine caring approach to people are qualities which are needed to make an excellent Flight attendant.

Service, Service, Service

A fearful passenger who is flying for the first time can be quite daunting, knowing that there is someone who is available to help overcome their fears is a relief. Knowing that there is assistance if needed when a parent is trying to comfort a baby or young child with ear pressure pain. A person with special needs being treated with respect and kindness, allowing their flight to be comfortable and stress free. Accompany minors on a flight with-out parents or guardian can be scary for a child. Knowing that the Flight attendant is watching over he/she can be so comforting to a child.

Your dreams could come true!

Are you worried that you only have a high school diploma and not a University degree.  Do not fear. Many flight attendants do not have further education but have had vast experience in customer services.  Working with children or adults , servicing clients in the retail or hospitality industries. All work experience is to one’s advantage.  If there is the availability to take on further studies to increase your knowledge of the world, go for it. Every extra knowledge that you can acquire , will be to your advantage.  Join a sporting club or become a member of a club. This will show that one can mix with other people.  Show your enthusaim in wanting to become a Flight attendant by contacting individual airlines enquiring for information about the airline and their requirements on becoming a Flight attendant.

Remember all dreams can become a reality. It takes time, patience and perseverance.

Go forward and make your dreams happen.

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